Tetranychus Urticae / Eotetranychus Lewisi
Mites in Papaya cultivation:
– Red Papaya Spider / Tetranychus urticae
– White Mite / Eotetranychus lewisi
Although there are several reported species of mites that attack papaya cultivation, without a doubt, the most distributed species are; the red papaya spider which is a mite belonging to the genus and species Tetranychus urticae and the white mite Eotetranychus lewisi which are undoubtedly the main mites of this crop and can be found in virtually all producing areas.
The symptoms caused by these pests are easily recognizable since, in the case of T. urticae, it generates chlorotic lesions close to the leaf veins and subsequently they become necrotic giving a burning appearance especially in the basal leaves or else their damage begins there.
While the white mite E. lewisi manifests damage in the new leaves, where it causes distortions of the leaf similar to the papaya annular spot virus (PRSV) and that sometimes can be confused with this, since these mites are extremely small.
On the other hand on the underside of the leaf you can see a kind of scraping close to the veins of the leaves. Where it is frequent, it is also strongly colonized by mites, which indicates the presence of T. urticae (Red Spider), where this mite is very visible with a magnifying glass, not the white mite which is often not easy to observe with a Magnifying glass is very small.

Figure 2. Typical symptoms of deformation of young leaves and apex of growth in papaya caused by E. Lewisi (white mite).
The differences between T urticae and E. lewisi are shown in Figures 4 and 5, as observed, the differences are clear.
It was considered that the presence of mites is associated with dry periods and high temperature, however in the field the populations are practically permanent, certainly decreasing in periods of rain, so also the favorable temperature for their development ranges in the range of 18 to 35 ° C.
Control of Mites in the cultivation of Papaya.
Some of the highly used products include:
Am = Amitraz
Ac = Acrinatrin
Ab = Abamectin
Bi = Biphentrine
Bf = Bifenazate
Fe = Fenaziquin
Fb = Fenbutatin
Fn = Fenpyroxamate
Hx = Hexythiazox
Mi = Milbemectin
Pr = Propargite
Py = Pyrabiden
Sp = Spirodiclofri
QL =
Az Azuf = 35
Note: The harvest intervals should be considered, as well as those authorized in this crop.
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